Protect The Mind
Once you have inspired your mind and understood how it works the next step is to protect it from the negative.

Step 3 - Protect The Mind
In the era of digital distraction those who can protect themselves from the negative and unconstructive input will achieve their goals with confidence.

Part 1 - Stand Guard
Every day stand guard at the door of your mind. Understand what it takes to protect the most important asset you have - your brilliant mind.

Part 2 - Disengage From People
How can you stop ruthless mind attacks from both haters and loved ones? Is there a way to save a decade of your life for things that matter to you? Do you have what it takes to master the skill of rejecting negative and unconstructive inputs ? Let's find out.

Part 3 - Disconnect From Technology
When Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg were inventing their technology breakthroughs they didn't realize they were creating the weapons of mass distraction. Stop those devastating daily attacks. Turn technology into your ally instead.
Part 4 - Destroy Worries
Coming soon...
Estimate Delivery Time Frame: January 2019.
Part 5 - Disregard Mental Traps
Coming soon...
Estimate Delivery Time Frame: January 2019.
What does it take to protect the perimeter?
How can you prevent other people and circumstances from letting you down and from demolishing your passion and enthusiasm?
Let's dive straight into it...
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