How The Mind Works
The next 5 minutes might be the most important 5 minutes of your life. Hard to believe? Why not to take a chance and hang in? Let's start with a simple question...
How does your mind look? Not your brain. Your mind. Tough? You are not alone, Ask a thousand people and observe a blank stare every single time. Want to be the one who knows the answer? Let's take a closer look.

Priceless mind model
The above picture depicts a priceless mind model that, when fully understood and adopted, delivers results in anyone's life regardless of the background or natural abilities.
But let's keep going, here is another question for you:
How does your mind work?
Wow. Sorry about that. No more tough questions, I promise.
But guess what? If you know the answer to the above 2 questions you are the ONE. The ONE who is always ahead. The ONE with a healthy and wealthy lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, there is hard work to do but understanding how the mind works will be the force to take you there. Here is this powerful 6 step process outlining how the mind delivers results (positive or negative).

Step 1 - Information is consumed through 1 of the 5 senses
Now, that the information is registered by one of the senses, the conscious mind kicks in and starts analyzing it...

Every single time the conscious mind agrees with something regardless of how positive or negative the information is, it gets deposited into the emotional subconscious mind...

Once the belief is reinforced it always manifests itself through the body. The person either takes action or takes no action depending on the belief...

Step 4 - The body manifests the belief through action (or lack of it)
The body takes action (or takes no action) using the directives from the subconscious (emotional) mind without the person even realizing it. Think about that cookie or a pack of chips, or any other unhealthy choice that you or someone else you know recently made. The action always leads to results. Positive or negative. That simple.

Step 5 - Action leads to results (positive or negative)
The results (or lack of them) are consumed by the senses and get analyzed by the logical mind. The person agrees with the results and this further solidifies the belief (liberating or limiting) in the subconscious mind. The cycle continues over and over again and forms a very strong reinforcement loop.

Step 6 - Results are consumed by senses and get reinforced
OK, now it's time to go over this cycle again.
This time use yourself or someone else you know as a guinea pig.
Make it real.
Take the most limiting belief you (or someone else you know) have and take it through the above loop step-by-step. Go as far into the past ad your childhood.
How does it feel?
Want to continue the game that you have just started to find out even more about how the mind works?
or would you rather...
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